Child custody revisions re determination, physical placement and enforcement orders, guardian ad litem, paternity order provisions, classes ordered by judge or family court commissioner, modifying legal custody or physical placement order and interest on support arrearages; JLC study committee created  - AB445
Child support review committee created in JLC, report required - SB520
Graduate medical education: JLC to study funding alternatives for health care providers serving MA recipients or certain areas of the state [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9131 (4c)] - AB133
Guardian ad litem system: JLC to study [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9157 (4y)] -  AB133
Henkel, Jane: career applauded upon retirement from LC -  SJR33
Historic buildings: regulation and code revisions; bed and breakfast, demolition and income tax credit provisions; JLC study and grant program re rural historic preservation  - SB371
JSCRS authority re research staff and fiscal estimates eliminated; LC to provide staff to JSCRS and RRC  - AB800
JSCRS authority re research staff and fiscal estimates eliminated; LC to provide staff to JSCRS and RRC  - SB412
LC director: transition provision regarding name repealed (remedial legislation) -  AB571
MPS revisions re pupils outside attendance area, intradistrict transfer aid, capital improvement bonds, counting transfer pupils and funding early childhood education programs; JLC to study chapter 220 program; report required  - AB468
MPS revisions re pupils outside attendance area, intradistrict transfer aid, capital improvement bonds, counting transfer pupils and funding early childhood education programs; JLC to study chapter 220 program; report required  - SB231
Special transfer program under subchapter VI of chap.121, Wis. Stats.: JLC to study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9131 (3z)]  - AB133
Stute, David: commended upon retiring from LC -  AJR80
judgeJudge, see also Supreme court
Abortion for unemancipated minor: parental consent law revised  - AB312
Abortion for unemancipated minor: parental consent law revised  - SB133
Alcohol beverage licensing action in 1st class cities: procedure for judicial review of a challenge revised; issuance of certain temporary licenses modified -  AB638
Joint municipal judge elections: filing of nomination papers specified -  AB434
Joint municipal judge elections: filing of nomination papers specified -  AB700
Judicial selection to create racial and ethnic diversity in the courts: study and report required [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 9146 (2f)] -  AB133
Judicial substitution in criminal cases eliminated; disqualification provision retained -  AB201
Municipal judge term set - AB502
Reserve judge: appointment prohibited re defeat in recent circuit court judgeship election -  AB826
Reserve judge recruitment, retention and compensation: report by Director of state courts [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9146 (1w)] - AB133
Supreme court justices and judges appointed by Governor: Senate confirmation required and restriction on holding another office of public trust. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR93
Temporary reserve judge re municipal court: appointment revised -  AB581
Wimmer, Joseph E.: commitment to public service commended -  AR37
judge _ circuit courtJudge — Circuit court
Circuit court judges in Waupaca county: number increased [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3049m, 9109 (1g)-(1i)] - AB133
Reserve judge: appointment prohibited re defeat in recent circuit court judgeship election -  AB826
Default judgment in municipal court cases expanded -  AB767
Tax foreclosure action re brownfields: county may assign right to judgment to a person -  AB871
Tax foreclosure action re brownfields: county may assign right to judgment to a person -  SB449
Traffic regulations and ordinance violations: permitting judgments to be paid in installments in poverty cases; operating privilege provision -  AB846
Traffic regulations and ordinance violations: permitting judgments to be paid in installments in poverty cases; operating privilege provision -  SB436
judicial councilJudicial council
Separate general program operations appropriation created [Sec. 601] -  AB133
Separate general program operations appropriation created [Sec. 601] -  SB45
juneau countyJuneau county
Circuit court branches increased in certain counties -  AB536
New state correctional institutions established in Milwaukee, New Lisbon and Redgranite [Sec. 2695, 2697, 2698, 2718; original bill only] -  AB133
New state correctional institutions established in Milwaukee, New Lisbon and Redgranite [Sec. 2695, 2697, 2698, 2718]  - SB45
juneteenthJuneteenth, see Holidays
Motor vehicle salvage pools: dealer registration plate requirement revised -  AB54
Salvage vehicle titles [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2734 hem, hep, hgd-hgo, 9350 (10d), 9450 (4c)]  - AB133
Jury instruction: explanation of legal conclusion from findings required in civil actions -  SB25
Municipal court OWI cases: right to jury trial removed -  AB381
Six-member juries in misdemeanor cases: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR39
justice, department ofJustice, Department of
Asbestos citations and fees [Sec. 685, 687, 688, 2558, 2559, 2682] -  AB133
Asbestos citations and fees [Sec. 685, 687, 688, 2558, 2559, 2682] -  SB45
Caregiver background checks: coverage revised [Sec. 1161, 1163-1165, 1167, 1168, 1172, 1178, 1516-1521, 9423 (9); original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored and expanded, 1151d, 1159d-r, 1160e-f, 1160gm-1171g, 1171j-1180h, 1189r, 1521c-d, e-zr, 2124vm, 3171m, 3261dfb, dfc, 3262g, 9111 (4xx), 9423 (12xx)]  - AB133
Concealed weapon license created - AB605
Concealed weapon license created - SB293
Consumer complaints re telecommunication services: annual report and memorandum of understanding [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1930r, 9104 (1m), 9130 (2m), 9141 (5m), 9404 (2m)] -  AB133
Consumer privacy advocate created in DOJ -  SB259
Consumer protection and trade practice laws: administrative and enforcement authority transferred from DATCP to DOJ in certain cases [Sec. 18, 29, 124, 144, 146-165, 167, 168, 171, 173-177, 219-224, 240, 249, 322-324, 362-365, 369-375, 383-385, 9204, 9230 (3), 9404 (2)]  - SB357
County-tribal law enforcement projects: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 481, 482-484, 576, 577, 2295, 2299-2301] -  AB133
County-tribal law enforcement projects: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 481, 482-484, 576, 577, 2295, 2299-2301] -  SB45
Credit card records: prohibition on selling information; exceptions and DOJ provisions -  AB101
Crime victim and witness services: additional funds for county reimbursement [Sec. 491-493, 3199, 3200, 9101 (14); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 491; Conf.Amdt.1: technical change, 491m] -  AB133
Crime victim and witness services: additional funds for county reimbursement [Sec. 491-493, 3199, 3200, 9101 (14)]  - SB45
Crime victim services federal aid: funding for DOJ [Sec. 495] - AB133
Crime victim services federal aid: funding for DOJ [Sec. 495] - SB45
Dangerous weapons in public schools: DOJ to maintain toll-free telephone number -  AB45
Dangerous weapons in public schools: DOJ to maintain toll-free telephone number -  SB32
D.N.A. data bank: expansion re persons required to give specimens; surcharge provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2288b, f, h-L, 2718yn, z, 3202e-p, 9358 (5x), 9458 (2x)]  - AB133
DOJ authorized to prosecute certain criminal cases re firearms  - SB425
DOJ legal services involving Indian litigation: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 479, 573; original bill only] -  AB133
DOJ legal services involving Indian litigation: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 479, 573]  - SB45
DOJ programs: funding for state crime laboratory equipment, purchase of D.N.A. equipment and conversion of D.N.A. data bank [Sec. 9101 (5), (6), (7)] - AB133
DOJ programs: funding for state crime laboratory equipment, purchase of D.N.A. equipment and conversion of D.N.A. data bank [Sec. 9101 (5), (6), (7)] - SB45
DOJ telecommunications position funding: sunset provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 480m, 2335m, 2336m] [2336m renumbered 2336gm] -  AB133
Electronic mail solicitation and chain letter prohibitions; business WWW site requirements; sales tax exemption re Internet access -  SB375
Environmental law enforcement training: seminar, video and report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9158 (8c)]  - AB133
Handgun sale or transfer: additional restrictions created - SB301
Legal fees charged to state agencies by DOJ [Sec. 480, 2287; original bill only] -  AB133
Legal fees charged to state agencies by DOJ [Sec. 480, 2287] - SB45
Lottery administration, retailer compensation, vendor fees, farmland tax relief credit and gaming law enforcement [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 481d, 490g, 595g, m, 596q-s, 597c-g, 606t, 612p, 717xa-yn, 1710db-de, 1744bd-bg, 1757bd, bf, bg, 1818mLb-mLh, 3025w, 9130 (2e), 9143 (3e)-(3g), 9243 (2c), 9443 (24e)]  - AB133
Lottery administration, retailer compensation, vendor fees, farmland tax relief credit and gaming law enforcement: GPR funding [Sec. 30, 33-38, 40, 41, 138-140, 952, 9230 (1), 9243] - SB357
Lottery background investigation appropriation for DOJ [Sec. 490] -  AB133
Lottery background investigation appropriation for DOJ [Sec. 490] -  SB45
Motor vehicle stops: law enforcement agency to collect certain information; DOJ duties and annual report required [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2289t]  - AB133
Motor vehicle stops: law enforcement agency to collect certain information; DOJ duties and annual report required; law enforcement training programs re race-based discrimination - AB716